Thank you for registering.
We have sent you an email confirming your registration. Please check your email for instructions on how to start your challenge and the links to download your bonuses.
If you don’t see the email, be sure to check your spam folder. If you still can’t find it, please contact us at support@startupbeacon.com.
Fun things to help you stay committed to your challenge:
Here are some proven things-to-do that have shown to increase the success rate of you completing the challenge.

Invite someone to do the challenge with you.
Doing it with someone allows you to share your workload and also overcome obstacles together. Working with someone else also means you are committed to others to complete your work. So, why not invite someone to do the challenge with you? It could be your spouse, family member or a friend.
Invite a Partner
I’ve just joined a Business Startup Challenge to start a new business within a week!
I’m super excited and would like to invite you to join me as a business partner to do this challenge together.
If you are keen, please check out https://go.startupbeacon.com/bsc-partnerinvite for details.
Let me know your thoughts. Thank you.

Have a "friendly" competition among your friends.
Up the ante of the challenge! Invite a couple of your friends and compete among yourselves to see who can finish and launch their business first within a week! This will indeed be absolute fun, plus you will have lots of people to laugh with, and to discuss and share solutions when you are stuck.
Start a "Friendly" Competition
I’ve just joined a Business Startup Challenge to start a new business within a week!
I’m super excited and I was thinking if any of you would like to join me so that we can compete among each other to finish the challenge within one week. Come on, it will be fun! That way, we all can motivate each other and the loser (slowest to complete the challenge) will treat the rest to a meal =P.
You can find the details of the challenge at https://go.startupbeacon.com/bsc-competeinvite for details.
What do you all think? Let me know.

Share on social media that you are on a challenge!
When you share with others that you are on a one-week challenge to start a business, you are committed to the cause as people you know will be supporting and cheering you on! With this, you will be motivated to put in extra effort to ensure that you do not fail and let those cheering you down.
Share on Social Media
Take a photo of yourself in front of the computer and then copy and paste the text below to share on your social media post (or write your own!):
Exciting moments ahead! I’ve just joined a Business Startup Challenge to start a new business within a week!
Can’t wait to get started. I’m super excited to start something new in my life.
Any one keen to join me on the challenge? You can find the details at https://go.startupbeacon.com/bsc-socialshare.